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To be the voice of educators that empowers members to provide the highest quality, unbiased and achievement-driven education to all children.


An Unbiased, academically sound education for all children.

Our Vision: An unbiased, academically sound education for all children.

Our Mission Activities Overview: Empower and unify member teachers to provide unbiased sound content and to improve public school quality and literacy; provide affordable tutoring and online courses.


What We Believe

  • Every child deserves an unbiased, sound education that will prepare them to be productive American citizens.

  • Our Teachers deserve high quality academically-based professional development.

  • Our Teachers deserve to have master’s degree pay, if their master’s degree is related to their teaching area.

  • Our Teachers need to have the freedom to teach patriotism and love of country, and should not be forced to deliver biased political indoctrination.

  • Parents are partners, not obstacles, and should have a voice in their children’s education. 

  • We embrace diversity.

  • We believe in school choice but prioritize improving public school quality.

  • America is the land of opportunity for all.

  • Curriculum transparency is critical.