2024 April 30 Press Release: Carolina Teachers Alliance Urges NC Schoolboards to Raise Local Teacher Pay: NC Teacher Pay Ranks Among Lowest in USA
April 30, 2024
Contact: Amy Marshall, M.Ed.
Carolina Teachers Alliance Inc.
Phone: (919) 589-7225
Email: amarshall@carolinateachers.org
RALEIGH – As local school boards across North Carolina are finalizing their budgets, Carolina Teachers Alliance urges them to consider raising local supplement pay to teachers, bus drivers, and all support staff. Sadly, North Carolina still ranks near the bottom of all fifty states in teacher pay rankings at around $51,000 per year, per this national ranking. Nearby Virginia’s average teacher pay is $74,000. Even Alabama’s average teacher pay is higher than NC’s at $55,000. “You can judge how a state values its teachers by the average teacher salary and NC ranks near the bottom in the USA. Unfortunately here in NC, some “bad apples” pushing political indoctrination on kids have undoubtedly tainted the public view of teachers in this state. However it should not be assumed that the majority of teachers in this state are members of the politically left NCAE. On the contrary, most of the 90,000 teachers in NC are not members of that “loud” association, whose 2022 corporate officer salaries topped $727,000 thanks to their high annual dues and money ties to the radical NEA National Educators Association labor union. Additionally, we urge all county school boards to return Master’s Pay, as did Wake County Public Schools, since the North Carolina Legislature axed it about ten years ago,” said CTA Founder/President, Amy Marshall, M.Ed.
ABOUT: Carolina Teachers Alliance, Inc. (CTA) is a North Carolina corporation registered in January 2021, with alias DBA’s American Teachers Alliance and American Tutors. CTA’s mission is to be the voice of educators that empowers members to provide the highest quality, unbiased and achievement-driven education to all children. For more information, visit carolinateachers.org.
2024 January 5 Press Release: Carolina Teachers Alliance Launches Billboard Campaign
January 5, 2024
Contact: Amy Marshall, M.Ed.
Carolina Teachers Alliance Inc.
Phone: (919) 589-7225
Email: amarshall@carolinateachers.org
RALEIGH – As teachers across North Carolina return from their holiday break, Carolina Teachers Alliance (CTA) launched a billboard campaign asking them to “Take Back Education” and reject “radical agendas” by joining CTA. The first billboard can be seen in Wake County, near downtown Raleigh on S. Saunders St. The educator association plans to install more billboards throughout the state to create awareness. “We want teachers and all school staff to know we exist as an alternative to the political teacher unions. We are here to break up the monopoly that has existed in this state, and to demonstrate that most teachers do not want to support radical agendas,” said CTA’s Founder President, Amy Marshall.
CTA launched three years ago and urges teachers to leave the NCAE. The NCAE as a political machine is evident in its political action committee donations and endorsements for exclusively Democrat candidates. “The NCAE is highly partisan, marching in lockstep with the Democrat party,” said Marshall. Many may not realize that a sizable portion of their NCAE dues goes to the national ultra-left labor union, NEA. They also may be unaware that NCAE officer salaries including Tamika Walker’s six-figure salary, totaled over $700,000 in 2022.
“Most teachers do not want to be inundated with politically biased curriculum promotion.”
-Amy Marshall, M.Ed.
“Most teachers do not want to be inundated with politically biased curriculum promotion. Compliance with social agendas and race-based curriculum are often required, along with compelled speech for pronouns and gender ideology, plus acceptance of obscene pornographic books in school libraries. Many North Carolina districts are obsessed with race-based curriculum and workshops. School librarians are flooded with political propaganda from radical national associations. Most teachers just want to be allowed to do their job – teach – and be part of an educator association representing their values, providing personal service, and legal coverage on job-related issues,” said Marshall.
Joining school staff may use the code “LEAVENCAE” for $25 off carolinateachers.org. CTA offers tiered school staff memberships at $300 a year, while NCAE’s membership is $550 plus per year.
ABOUT: Carolina Teachers Alliance, Inc. (CTA) is a North Carolina corporation registered in January 2021, with alias DBA’s American Teachers Alliance and American Tutors. They are a 501(c)3 nonprofit public charity educator association providing educational services. CTA’s mission is to be the voice of educators that empowers members to provide the highest quality, unbiased and achievement-driven education to all children. For more information, visit carolinateachers.org, americanteachers.me, and americantutors.org
2023 August 22 Press Release: Carolina Teachers Alliance to Release Radio Ad This Fall with i-Heart Radio
2023 August 17 Press Release: Statement from CTA President/Founder Amy Marshall, M.Ed. on Veto Override of NC Senate Bill 49 Parents’ Bill of Rights
Contact – Amy Marshall, M.Ed.
(919) 589-7225
"This was the right thing to do. This law will provide more curriculum transparency, strengthening parent-teacher partnerships. Inappropriate sexual and gender ideology content has been appearing in school libraries, so we hope this new law will help address that. Inappropriate sexual content has no place in NC public schools and teachers should not be pressured to promote it."
ABOUT: Carolina Teachers Alliance, Inc. (CTA) is a North Carolina corporation registered in January 2021, with alias DBA’s American Teachers Alliance and American Tutors. They are a 501(c)3 nonprofit public charity educator association providing educational services of tutoring, courses, and educational camps. CTA’s mission is to be the voice of educators that empowers members to provide the highest quality, unbiased and achievement-driven education to all children. For more information, visit carolinateachers.org, americanteachers.me, and americantutors.org.
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2023 July 6 Press Release: CTA Awards $1300 in Scholarships to Wake Co Students
Contact – Amy Marshall, M.Ed.
(919) 589-7225
Carolina Teachers Alliance Inc. (CTA) awarded student scholarships this week to three Wake County honor student graduates, Colton McAllister, Nicholas Christensen, and Heather Lauchengco. Colton received a $500 “CTA Members Only” Scholarship as a child of a CTA member, while Nicolas and Heather each received $400 “CTA Hometown Heroes” scholarships for being children of United States military veterans.
“We are thrilled to be able to provide these scholarships to assist our students while honoring our military veterans and thanking our association members. These students have worked hard, and we are very excited for them and their future plans.” Said Amy Marshall, CTA’s founder and executive director.
Colton McAllister graduated from Wake County Public Schools Green Hope High School where he was the Wrestling Team Captain. Colton will attend UNC Charlotte where he will major in Business.
Nicolas Christensen also graduated from Green Hope High School and is a swimmer with the Raleigh Swimming Association. Nicolas will attend Roanoke College where he will major in Health and Exercise Science.
Heather Lauchengco graduated from Cardinal Gibbons High School and was involved in dance. Heather will attend UNC Chapel Hill and will major in Biology for health and/or medical professions.
CTA asked scholarship applicants to answer the question: “Write one or two sentences on what American freedom means to you.” Colton stated, “To me, American freedom means the right to express oneself freely, and the right to individual freedom in a land of equal opportunity.” Nicolas stated, “American freedom means the ability to speak freely without the intervention of the government.” Heather stated, “We live in the most free country on earth thanks to the dedication and sacrifice of soldiers like my dad. Freedom is a precious gift that we enjoy in this country, and we have a responsibility to not waste it, and to protect it for future generations.”
CTA’s 2024 student scholarship applications will open in Spring 2024.
ABOUT: Carolina Teachers Alliance, Inc. (CTA) is a North Carolina corporation registered in January 2021, with alias DBA’s American Teachers Alliance and American Tutors. They are a 501(c)3 nonprofit public charity educator association providing educational services of tutoring, courses, and educational camps. CTA’s mission is to be the voice of educators that empowers members to provide the highest quality, unbiased and achievement-driven education to all children. For more information, visit carolinateachers.org, americanteachers.me, and americantutors.org.
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2023 Feb 6 Press Release: CTA Statement on SB49 Parents Bill of Rights
Contact – Amy Marshall, M.Ed.
(919) 589-7225
“We support S.B. 49. Our children deserve a high-quality academics-focused public-school education. We need
to keep politics out of the classroom. Teaching young elementary-aged children about sexual and gender
ideology topics is best left to their parents, if the parent chooses to do so. Let’s let parents be parents and
teachers be teachers. Public school dollars should not be used to advance a particular political agenda in a
classroom. Parents should have the right to view curriculum taught in the classroom, along with access to all
educational and medical records, including name and identity records.” Said Amy Marshall, M.Ed. founder and
president of Carolina Teachers Alliance.
Carolina Teachers Alliance Inc., (CTA)’s mission is to be the voice of educators that empowers members to
provide the highest quality, unbiased and achievement-driven education to all children.
“We have seen an increase in some NC public school districts pushing political agendas. North Carolina has been
in the national news over classroom political indoctrination. We’ve seen everything from pre-K kids being taught
that men can get pregnant with “Flashcards Pregnant Man,” to racially-motivated CRT (critical race theory)
teacher trainings such as “Seeing White” by the current Wake NCAE president, Ms. Spears. Our kids deserve
better.” Said Marshall.
“Post-Covid learning loss needs to be remedied, and increasing the political rhetoric in the classroom is not
going to increase academic achievement. Tutoring is a great way to address learning loss. We hope to partner
with school districts to provide some of that tutoring through our American Tutors program.
We as educators have an obligation to teach appropriate academic content to advance learning to our students.
Somewhere along the way there has been a disconnect by some teacher groups, who now believe that
indoctrinating the child to their personal politics equals education. It does not, and our children should not have
to pay the price for that belief. Precious class time should be spent on excelling in reading, math, science and
social studies, not on conforming to a political movement. We need for American kids need to be academically
competitive, and the focus on political content slows down that process.”
“Teachers who are tired of paying dues to associations with radical political agendas, are encouraged to join us
instead. Our dues are less than half the cost, and we are built on academic integrity, not radical politics.” Said
ABOUT: Carolina Teachers Alliance, Inc. (CTA) is a North Carolina corporation registered in January 2021, with
alias DBA’s American Teachers Alliance and American Tutors. They are a 501(c)3 nonprofit public charity. They
offer memberships to school staff and community affiliates in North Carolina and nationwide, while also serving
as an educational services vendor providing tutoring and online courses. For more information, visit
carolinateachers.org, americanteachers.me, and americantutors.org. END ###